Member-only story
In this full course, You will learn how to use Golang AWS (Amazon Web Services) SDK to use Cognito services such as:
Note: There is no charge (Free) for Golang Cognito Full Course
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Course Content
00:00 Course Overview
01:08 What Is Cognito
02:09 What Is Cognito User Pool
03:28 What Is Cognito Identity Pool
05:07 Create User Pool
07:09 Create Identity Pool
08:17 Introduction To API Gateway
09:32 Create Mock API Gateway Endpoint
14:00 Create Authorization
15:30 Testing Endpoint
16:21 Golang Project Setup
20:11 Golang AWS Cognito SDK Setup
32:21 Golang Create Sign Up Method
41:11 Golang Create Confirm Method
46:33 Golang Create Sign-In Method
53:41 Testing With API Gateway
55:32 Clean Up